35mm Slide Scans
Each image is scanned using both digital ICE* & ROC, for basic dust & scratch removal. $2.00 ea. slide
Bulk Slide Scanning
Starting at $60.00 for up to (80) pre-loaded 2X2 slides scanned and saved to data DVD or customer provided USB. Images scanned as loaded, no rotation or flip. Slide trays are available to borrow.
Additional Slides $0.50 each
35mm Negative Strip Scans
Each image is scanned using both digital ICE* & ROC, for basic dust & scratch removal. $5.00 each strip (7 frames)
Shoebox Scanning
Starting at $45.00 up to 50 prints
(for originals sized 2x3 up to 8X10) Copyrighted images will not be scanned.
Print Scanning
Includes digital copy and basic color and contrast adjustments.
$10.00 each print (for sizes up to 8x10)
Premium Print Scanning
Includes digital copy and minor image corrections, color, contrast, creases, black and white conversion, cropping to size or subject.
$25.00 each print (up to 8x10)
Digital reproduction
$30.00 and up, for originals over 8x10
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